Legal notice
Website provider
Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim (CIMH)
Mailing address: P.O. Box 12 21 20, 68072 Mannheim
Street address: J 5, 68159 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 1703-0
Fax: +49 621 1703-1205
e-mail: emanuel dot schwarz at zi dash mannheim dot de
VAT-ID in accordance with §27a of the sales tax law: DE 143845625
Board of Directors
Head of the Executive Board: Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
Commercial Managing Director: Andreas-W. Möller
Responsible for website content and management:
Communication and Media Office
Head: : Uli Ellwanger
The content on the Foldercase Internet website is protected by copyright. It is intended solely for personal use. The use of brands and trade designations is governed by the respective protection provisions. This applies even if the brands and trade designations are not expressly identified as such.
Disclaimer/Disclaimer for third-party websites
The contents of the Foldercase website offer free information. In so far as it addresses medical topics, this information in no way constitutes a consultation for an individual user nor is it expert medical advice, and cannot be relied on as an alternative to the advice of a physician, psychologist or chemist. The information contained herein represents the best possible knowledge and is provided „as is“. We cannot warrant that it is complete, accurate and up-to-date. As such the information is legally unbinding. CIMH Mannheim cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use of this content. We take no responsibility for and will not be liable for any loss or damage related to the use of or access to (or the inability thereof) the foldercase website. This also applies for the unintended release of information to other website users (for example, it is beyond our control to guarantee that individuals registering as belonging to a given institution actually belong to this insitution), as well as potential security breaches. In so far as links to other servers for additional information have been made accessible, the website provider expressly declares that it cannot be held liable in any way for the contents of these third-party sites.
Information about links on the Foldercase website
The Foldercase website contains a number of links to third-party websites. These are marked as such. When a user activates one of these links, a new browser window is opened and the user is taken to a third-party website. For direct or indirect references to third-party websites that lie outside the website provider’s area of responsibility, the website provider can be held liable if and only if it was aware of the content and it would have been both technically feasible and reasonable to prevent access to illegal content. As such the website provider expressly states that the pages were free of illegal content at the point in time at which the respective links were added. The website provider has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages of these third-party websites. As such, the website provider expressly distances itself from any and all content on the linked pages that was changed after the links were created.
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